ECE 220 – Project


Bryan Berns & Peter Ognenoff



Problem Summary & Criteria Selection


SGFrameWork Coding


SGFrameWork: MATLAB Coding & Graphical Explanation


Analytical Field Derivation: Electric Displacement


Analytical Field Derivation: Electric Field & Voltage


MATLAB Coding & Graphical Output of Analytical D-Field


Conclusions & Comments



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Problem Summary & Criteria Selection


We will attempt to analyze the fields experience from a sphere with three dialectic spherical shells.  The inner and outer shells posses a charge density that varies with radius.  A cross-section of the sphere is shown below.



SGFrameWork Coding



CONST DR = 0.0002;      // FROM R = 0 TO R = 1.
CONST PI = 3.1415927;
CONST EPS0 = 8.8542E-12;
   ASSIGN R[I=ALL] = I*DR;                             // ARRAY OF RADIUS VALUES
   ASSIGN RHO[I=500..1000] = sqrt(R[I])*5.0E-9;        // SOLVE CHARGE FOR FIRST SHELL
   ASSIGN RHO[I=2500..3000] = R[I]*-2.5E-9;            // SOLVE CHARGE FOR SECOND SHELL
   ASSIGN A[I=ALL] = 4*PI*sq(R[I]);                    // ARRAY OF VARYING SURFACE AREA
   ASSIGN EPSR[I=ALL]=1.0;                             // DEFAULT PERMITTIVITY CONSTANT
   ASSIGN EPSR[I=500..1000]=1.5;                       // PERMITTIVITY FOR FIRST DIALECTIC SHELL
   ASSIGN EPSR[I=1000..2500]=3;                        // PERMITTIVITY FOR SECOND DIALECTIC SHELL
   ASSIGN EPSR[I=2500..3000]=1.5;                      // PERMITTIVITY FOR THIRD DIALECTIC SHELL
   ASSIGN D[I=1..NMAX-1] = (A[I-1]*D[I-1]+RHO[I]*A[I]*DR)/A[I];      // FLUX(IN) + FLUX(OUT) / AREA     
   ASSIGN E[I=ALL] = D[I]/(EPS0*EPSR[I]);                            // D-FIELD / EPSILON
   ASSIGN V[I=1..NMAX-1] = V[I-1]-E[I]*DR;                           // V(PREVIOUS) – E*RADIUS
   ASSIGN V[I=ALL] = V[I]-V[NMAX-1];                                 / ADJUST SO V(MAX)=0



SGFrameWork: MATLAB Graphical Output






SGFrameWork: MATLAB Coding & Graphical Explanation


First Graphs

clear all;                               %clear all current variables
close all;                               %close all current graphs


load V.000;

load D.000;

load R.000;

dr = R(2)-R(1);                          %find used delta constant

b = (floor(sqrt(size(V,1)^2/2))-1);      %discover how large we can graph this based on our data

R = [-b:b];                              %and create a vector of those values

[x,y] = meshgrid(R);                     %create a 2D mesh of plot-able values
z = D(round(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))+1);         %evalute D on the 2D mesh
z = V(round(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))+1);         %evalute V on the 2D mesh

figure(1); mesh(x.*dr,y.*dr,z1); title('Electric Displacement');
figure(2); mesh(x.*dr,y.*dr,z2); title('Potential Difference');


Second Graphs

clear all %clear all current variables
close all %close all current graphs

load V.000
load D.000
load E.000
load R.000

subplot(3,1,1); plot (R,V); xlabel('Distance (m)'); ylabel('V (V)');
subplot(3,1,2); plot (R,D); xlabel('Distance (m)'); ylabel('D');
subplot(3,1,3); plot (R,E); xlabel('Distance (m)'); ylabel('E (N/C)');


Electric Displacement:


Since there is no charge from 0 to .1, there is no D-Field.

When the radius reaches .1 the D-Field increases because of the positive charge density.

When the radius reaches .2, the D-Field begins to drop as the charge moves farther away.

When the radius reaches .5, the D-Field begins to drop suddenly due the presence of a negative charge density.

As the radius beyond .6, the field weakens and tapers toward zero as all charges move farther away.


Electric Field:

The the E-field is proportional to the D-Field with bias to the different epsilons it experiences.

At the boundary of .2, we see the E-Field decrease to one-half its magnitude due to the ratio of permittivities -- 3.0:1.5

At the boundary of .5, we see the field double (although it's not easy to view on the displayed graph).  Same reason but reciprocal ratios -- 1.5:3.0

At the boundary of .6, the E-field's magnitude again changes due to the permittivity ratios: 1:1.5



Analytical Field Derivation: Electric Displacement





Analytical Field Derivation: Electric Field & Voltage


We choose not to evaluate the Voltage integrals seeing as the complexity of our equations was increasing.




MATLAB Coding & Graphical Output of Analytical D-Field


The below graph is generated from using the derived D-Field equations.  It matches the SGFrameWork output to with very little error.






clear all %clear all current variables
close all %close all current graphs

load R.000

s = size(R,1);

% FOR .1 < R < .2
D(0.1*s:0.2*s) = (10^-8)*( R(0.1*s:0.2*s).^3.5-0.1^3.5)./(7*R(0.1*s:0.2*s).^2);

% FOR .2 < R < .5
D(0.2*s:0.5*s) = (10^-8)*(0.2^3.5-0.1^3.5)./(7*R(0.2*s:0.5*s).^2);

% FOR .5 < R < .6
D(0.5*s:0.6*s) = (10^-8)*(0.2^3.5-0.1^3.5)./(7*R(0.5*s:0.6*s).^2) + (-2.5*10^-9)*(R(0.5*s:0.6*s).^4-.5^4)./(4*R(0.5*s:0.6*s).^2);

% FOR .6 < R
D(0.6*s:1.0*s) = (10^-8)*(0.2^3.5-0.1^3.5)./(7*R(0.6*s:1.0*s).^2) + (-2.5*10^-9)*(0.6^4-0.5^4)./(4*R(0.6*s:1.0*s).^2);

plot(R,D); title('Analytical Result');

Conclusions & Comments

The only real problems we encountered during this project, other than trying to find an 'interesting' field setup, was related to precision.   The 100 point evaluation used initially in the SGFrameWork setup was not evaluating the fields to the precision we desired.  As the fields developed, these precisions errors were causing our calculator results to be disturbingly different.   The solution was to use more points, so we adapted the SGFrameWork simulation to use 5000 points.  After that, everything was happy.